Sinus infections
February 06, 2024

A stuffy nose, facial pain and even a fever can all be signs of a sinus infection (also called acute sinusitis). A sinus infection is swelling of the tissues in your sinuses (the spaces in your cheeks, nose, and forehead).

Most cases of sinus infection are caused by viruses and do not require antibiotics. But, if you have a new or persistent fever or other worsening symptoms, you may need to see your doctor.

Our pharmacist can advise on when it's time to make an appointment and suggest more strategies to keep you comfortable while you recover from a sinus infection.

Sinus infections
[MINOR AILMENTS] Allergic Rhinitis

Dec 5, 2023

Sneezing, an itchy nose, and red, watery eyes are all classic signs of allergic rhinitis (also known as "hay fever"). Symptoms develop when your body's immune system reacts to an irritant in the air, like tree pollen, pet dander or mold spores.

You can't prevent hay fever, but you can take steps to minimize your allergy symptoms.
• Avoid touching your face or rubbing your nose and eyes.
• Keep your windows closed on days when pollen counts are high even throughout the fall months.
• Use filters in your vacuum and air conditioner.
• Wash your hands often, especially after playing with pets.

[MINOR AILMENTS] Allergic Rhinitis
About Minor Ailments

Nov 13, 2023

Did you know that our pharmacists have the training and expertise to assess and treat minor ailments?

Minor ailments are common conditions that may require over-the-counter medications and self-care strategies but sometimes a prescription medication might be a better option.

Whether you have a muscle strain, seasonal allergies, or heartburn we are here to help! Our pharmacist will provide effective, personalized care so you don't have to make a trip to the doctor's office.

If you have a minor ailment that needs treatment, stop by and speak with our pharmacist today.

About Minor Ailments
Treating a Fever

Oct 4, 2023

You wake up in the middle of the night with chills, even though you're buried in your duvet. Or, your child is crying, with a forehead that's hot to the touch. All signs point to fever, but you'll need to get out your thermometer to confirm.

A fever is a temporary rise in body temperature (anything over 37.6C or 99.7F) designed to fight off infection. Depending on the style of thermometer, you can take someone's temperature in the ear, under the tongue, or in the armpit.

Ask our pharmacist about the correct dosing for fever-reducing medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen, to help keep you or your family comfortable until the fever passes.

Treating a Fever
Barefoot injuries
July 28, 2023

The feeling of grass beneath your feet or strolling barefoot on the beach is a hallmark of summer. But walking shoeless can expose you to a range of injuries. Stepping on a sharp object like a rock or piece of glass could cause a puncture wound or painful cut.

To protect your feet, consider keeping your sandals on in public spaces, or switching to water shoes for a beach day. And, if you do injure your foot, be sure to consult our pharmacist about caring for the wound. They can also advise on when you should seek medical treatment.

Barefoot injuries
Gardening for health
July 7, 2023

There are research-backed benefits to having a green thumb! Whether you're tending to a vegetable patch, maintaining your flower beds, or mowing the lawn, gardening is good for your health. It can improve your mood, help with your fitness, and much more. Here's how.
• burns calories. For a roughly 150-pound adult, light gardening can burn up to 330 calories per hour, similar to golfing or dancing.
• builds strength. The repetitive, steady movements like digging and lifting work your major muscle groups, while also improving your balance and stability.
• beats the blues. Community gardening in particular is good for mental health because it counteracts social isolation, reducing stress and boosting mood. (You can join a gardening club online or in your neighbourhood for similar benefits!)

Enjoy all of the benefits that comes from gardening, but it's important to be prepared. Read these safety tips before getting started to avoid injury:
Gardening for health
Mens Health Month/Stress

June 16, 2023

About 70% of men's health problems are preventable just by changing lifestyle habits.

Have questions about your health? Whether you're hoping to shed a few pounds, are wondering about your medications, or concerned about your mental health, ask our pharmacist how they can help.

Learning to manage stress effectively is important for your health and wellbeing. Check out these tips from a clinical counsellor for effective ways to deal with strong feelings:

Mens Health Month/Stress
Yeast infections
June 5, 2023

Hot, humid conditions –– and time sitting around in swimsuits at the beach or pool –– can result in vaginal yeast infections . If you know how to spot a yeast infection, you can get it treated right away.

Here are the most common symptoms:
• Itching and irritation in and around the vagina
• A burning sensation, especially when you pee
• Redness and swelling
• Discharge that can be thick and whiteish

Talk to our pharmacist if you think you might have a yeast infection. They can advise on over-the-counter antifungal options to try, and when you should call your doctor.
Yeast infections
May 25, 2023

Hello warm weather, hello sandals! With summer fast approaching, it's time to pull out your sandals or head out to treat yourself to a new pair. Opting for sandals that fit well, and pairing sneakers and loafers with moisture-wicking socks, can help to prevent those painful blisters that sometimes surface. If you do end up with one, the good news is that most blisters heal naturally after three to seven days.
Talk to our pharmacist if your wound doesn't appear to be getting better after a week, or if there are any signs of infection (like heat around the area, swelling, or yellow/green discharge). They can also recommend over-the-counter products to assist with healing, including ointments and gel pads, for example.

First aid kit essentials
May 10, 2023

Whether you're gearing up for a camping trip on the first long weekend of the summer, or just thinking about refreshing your home's first aid kit for the season, it's important to be prepared. From campfire burns to tumbles off bicycles, and beyond, there are bound to be a few accidents this season.

Ask our pharmacist for advice on essentials to include in your first aid kit – we can help you get prepared with everything you need!

First aid kit essentials
Cholesterol Levels
April 24, 2023

It's important to have a read on your cholesterol levels because high cholesterol is one of the major controllable risk factors for heart attack and stroke.

The only way to know if you have high cholesterol levels is to take a blood test. Read more about understanding your test results, and managing your cholesterol levels, from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada:

Speak to our pharmacist if you have concerns about your cholesterol levels and for advice on when you should have them checked.

Cholesterol Levels
Liver Health Month
March 30, 2023

You may rarely give it much thought, but your liver is one of your most vital organs. It helps to give your body energy, regulate hormones, fight off infections, and so much more.

Some 1 in 4 Canadians may be affected by liver disease, which can begin at birth, or be caused by a virus, exposure to various toxins, or alcohol consumption.

Binge drinking, as well as consuming too much alcohol over many years, can cause permanent damage to your liver.

This winter, the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) released new recommendations for alcohol consumption.

Liver Health Month
What is acid reflux?
March 14, 2023

Acid reflux is a condition in which the contents of your stomach bubble up into your esophagus and throat. It's very common, especially after eating spicy or acidic foods.

If you are starting to experience acid reflux, speak to our pharmacist about over-the-counter products and other remedies that can soothe your symptoms.

Is your acid reflux occurring more frequently? Ask us for advice on when to see your doctor.

What is acid reflux?
Apps for Caregivers

February 21, 2023

Caregiving can be a challenge, but don't forget that you're not in it alone; there are supports and resources available to assist you as you care for your loved one.

One way to keep yourself organized is to use tools that help you with compiling, tracking and even sharing appointments, medical records, and other information about the person in your care. Check out these valuable apps, designed for caregivers:

Apps for Caregivers
Heart Health/Valentine's Day

February 14, 2023

Did you know? 8 in 10 cases of premature heart disease and stroke are preventable through healthy lifestyle behaviours.

Start taking small steps to help protect your heart health:
• Move More Make physical activity, from walks to swimming, a part of your regular routine.
• Eat Well Avoid ultra-processed foods, load up on fruits and vegetables and sources of lean proteins.
• Maintain a Healthy Weight Achieving your healthy size can be challenging, but the effort is worth it.

Heart Health/Valentine's Day
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
February 8, 2023

In Canada, women make about 500,000 trips to the doctor's office each year seeking treatment for urinary tract infections (UTIs). And they don't only affect women: men and children can also experience this common infection of the urinary system.

If you suspect that you have a UTI, call your doctor right away. (Symptoms can include needing to pee more often, feeling pain when urinating and experiencing discomfort in your side or lower back.) UTIs are caused by a bacterial infection and can often be treated with antibiotics. Talk to our pharmacist about any questions or concerns you may have about treating your UTI.
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Cold Sores
January 30, 2023

Cold sores are small blisters on or around the lips that can be itchy, tingly, uncomfortable, and unsightly.
They are usually caused by the herpes simplex virus and passed from person to person by close contact, like kissing.
Outbreaks typically clear up without treatment, but you can get symptom relief with over-the-counter products, or prescription antiviral ointments.

Ask our pharmacy team if you need help finding the right treatment option for you.
Cold Sores
Adult cough and cold
January 24, 2023

If you catch a cold, that probably spells the sniffles, possibly a fever, body aches, and just generally being under the weather.
You should feel better in one to two weeks. In the meantime, there are a number of nasal drops and sprays, mild pain relievers and cough and cold medications that might help with your symptoms. Ask our pharmacist about over-the-counter options that may be right for you.
Adult cough and cold

January 19, 2023

We have one of the most severe winter climates in the world, but even a seasoned Canadian can underestimate the effect of extreme cold and their risk of frostbite.
Here are a few tips to protect yourself from frostbite this winter:
• Watch the weather. Risk of windburn and frostbite increases when wind chill values dip below -27°C.
• Protect your hands, feet, nose, and ears. Your extremities are most at risk.
• Keep moving! This will keep your blood flowing and help maintain your body heat.

Blood pressure

January 15, 2023

Everyone experiences spikes in their blood pressure at times, but usually only for short periods, like during exercise or a stressful situation. It becomes a problem when blood pressure stays higher than normal over time.

Healthy lifestyle habits including eating a balanced diet, managing stress, and getting enough physical activity, can help to reduce your chance of developing high blood pressure.

Read more about managing your blood pressure:

Blood pressure
Mental Health

January 10, 2023

Everyone experiences challenges regarding their mental wellbeing at some point in their lives. Sometimes, one of the best ways to help a friend, family member or colleague who is struggling is to make them feel seen and heard.

Check out this article from the Canadian Mental Health Association on how to be a more attentive and empathetic listener:

If you have concerns about your mental health, check in with our pharmacist. They can advise on when you should see your doctor or seek out other assistance.

Mental Health
Arthritis pain

January 04, 2023

Cold and wet weather, along with shifts in barometric pressure, can worsen arthritis pain. If your symptoms are worse during the winter months, try taking warm baths, using a hot water bottle, or heating pad more often, and dressing in multiple layers to get some relief.

Check out the Canadian Arthritis Society's simple Daily Symptom Tracker to help you monitor how you're feeling and the things in your environment that could be impacting your condition, including the weather.

You can always talk to our pharmacist about your treatment options and how to get the most out of your arthritis

Arthritis pain
Holiday weight gain

January 02, 2023

f you packed on a few extra pounds over the holidays, you're not alone. Seasonal setbacks are common, and not simply due to overindulging. Stress, changes in sleep cycles and seasonal depression can all set the stage for weight gain. But you can get your health goals back on track.

Take control with these strategies:
•Establish a healthy routine of eating right, moving your body often and sleeping well every night.
• Schedule workouts (or even walks) with a friend or use a diet and fitness app for support.
•Be patient and stick with it!

Ask our pharmacist for additional tips to help you get to your healthy weight.

Holiday weight gain
Caregiving during the holidays

December 29, 2022

For many caregivers, the holiday season can add another level of stress, rather than inspire joy. But it can also present an opportunity to seek better communication and support from family and friends.

This season…
• Be clear about your energy level. Let others know if you feel drained by your caregiving duties and let them take on hosting duties, for example.
• Create and share your wish list. Ask for assistance with home repairs, taking time off, or an opportunity for self-care.
• Write brief thank-you notes to friends and family who visit or lend a hand this year. This will reinforce positive feelings and may encourage them to be more engaged.

Caregiving during the holidays
Quit smoking
December 26, 2022

New year, new habits! Did you know that as soon you as you stop smoking, your risk of cancer, heart disease and lung problems drop, and your overall health improves?

Have you tried to quit before? That's ok! You can use what you've learned in the past to make this attempt work better for you. Ask our pharmacist for advice on nicotine replacement therapy and other medications that can help you become smoke-free.
Quit smoking
Staying hydrated in cold weather

December 20, 2022

We're often reminded to stay hydrated during the heat of summer, but it's important to drink plenty of fluids during the colder months, too.

Whether you're hitting the slopes or the trails, high-impact activities that work up a sweat will require you to replenish with plenty of water. Dry mouth, headache and dark-coloured urine are all signs you should reach for your water bottle.

Ask our pharmacist for advice on staying hydrated during winter activities, and when to consider using electrolyte replacement products.

Staying hydrated in cold weather
Why generic drugs make sense
December 15, 2022

Generic medicines contain the same active ingredients as their brand-name counterparts and must meet certain federal requirements to prove they are equivalent. In fact, all brand-name drugs have a generic name, which often appears next to the list of active ingredients(s) in the medication.

Ask our pharmacist to talk you through all your options. Learn more about generic medicines, and have many of your questions answered:
Why generic drugs make sense
Drug and supplement interactions

December 12, 2022

When you start a new prescription, or anytime you have a query, be sure to check in with our pharmacist. Not sure what to ask? Here's a great question: "Can I take this vitamin supplement with my prescriptions?"

Although nutrition supplements may be an important part of your health routine, they can affect how some prescription medications work.

Our pharmacist can review everything that you're taking, including prescriptions, over-the-counter products, vitamins, minerals, and other supplements, to ensure there are no interactions.

Drug and supplement interactions
Immunizations for safe travel

December 6, 2022

Whether you're jetting off on holiday, or making your way to visit family this season, don't forget to plan for your travel vaccines. They can protect you from potentially serious illnesses, like hepatitis A and B, Zika virus, and travellers' diarrhea.

It's wise to carry copies of your family's immunization records when you travel. Download the free CANImmunize app to easily keep track of those documents on the go!

Read more tips on which vaccines you may need for international travel this winter:

Immunizations for safe travel
Travel checklist
December 3, 2022

Travelling this month? A medications and health supplies checklist will ensure you have everything you'll need while you're away.

Your checklist should include:
• Medical supplies, like diabetes testing materials, inhalers, and/or epinephrine auto-injectors if you have a severe allergy.
• Items you keep in your medicine cupboard at home, like diarrhea medication, antihistamines, motion sickness medicine, and a decongestant.
• All daily prescription medications, including extra doses in case your return home is delayed. Read more about traveling safely with prescription medications:

Talk with our pharmacist to ensure you have everything you need for a healthy trip!
Travel checklist
Urinary incontinence

November 27, 2022

Over 3.3 million Canadians are experiencing at least one type of urinary incontinence.

Stress incontinence (the kind that makes you pee when you jump or laugh) and urge incontinence (the kind that gives you seemingly zero warning when you need to go) are the two most common types.

The good news: there are ways to manage pee leaks, and often even cure the problem. Read more about the types of urinary incontinence, and possible treatments:

Urinary incontinence
Managing asthma during the cold months
November 24, 2022

When the temperatures dip during the fall and winter months, asthma attacks are more likely to occur as a person breathes in the cold, dry air.

Life Effects offers tips from people living with asthma to help you manage your symptoms and identify some that you might not recognize.

Talk with our pharmacist about your asthma action plan and how you can prevent and manage asthma attacks at this time of year.
Managing asthma during the cold months.
Fall Prevention Month
November 21, 2022

With the weather getting colder it's a good time to talk about safe winter walking. Here are some tips for navigating slippery sidewalks and icy parking lots this winter:
• Choose warm, stable footwear with a non-slip sole.
• If you are unsteady on your feet, consider using a cane or walking poles, or use ice grippers on footwear.
• Watch for uneven or changing surfaces.
• Walk with your hands out of your pockets, for balance.
Did you know that some medications can increase your risk of falling? Be sure to ask our pharmacist if you have any concerns.
Fall Prevention Month
Missing a dose of medication
November 8, 2022

Occasionally, even the most organized person misses a dose of their medication. Sometimes a skipped dose isn't a big deal, but many medications won't work right if they're not taken exactly as prescribed. In some cases, if you don't take the medicine at the right time, your symptoms might become more difficult to manage. If you're unsure about what to do if you miss your meds, contact our pharmacist.
Missing a dose of medication
Our Location
14-44 East Beaver Creek Rd
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L4B 1G8, ON
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Sat: 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Sunday: Closed
Contact Info
Tel: (647) 951 5828
Fax: (289) 597 7750
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